Celebrating YES to Marriage Equality!

Maylei Hunt
Photography exhibition opening as part of the 2019 Sydney Mardi Gras festival.
Come along to celebrate!
About the Exhibition:
“It’s personal. I have always marched and have felt it important to document our journey, our fight for equality. I am thrilled and proud that this has happened in my (our) lifetime…”
The importance for the legalities of the recognition of equal rights for marriage is that the LGBTQIA+ communities see this as a step forward for communities and families for the equal respect, acceptance and acknowledgement of loving relationships between people. A human right to be acknowledged equally.
For more than fourteen years, Australians have been taking to the streets to protest for equal rights for gay marriage in Australia. Hunt’s photographic series documents the Sydney and Melbourne LGBTQIA+ communities, as well as our straight allies, marching together to acknowledge gay marriages as equal to straight marriages.
This exhibition is a celebration of our first year of equal marriage rights in Australia, coupled with an exlcusive book launch of LET’S EAT CAKE, with copies available on the night.
Maylei Hunt is a local social documentary photographer who is now based in Melbourne.
Artist Talk:
Sat 23 Feb at 2pm, at Tortuga Studios
Bookings via:
Mardi Gras Info Link: http://www.mardigras.org.au/events/lets-eat-cake